Today, the ability to solve old problems in new ways and break from the limitations of “traditional” building materials has never been greater. For millennia, people have used fabric to clothe, shelter and even power their machines. Given fabric’s light weight, exceptional strength and ability to conform to unusual shapes the only limitation is imagination itself. Through technological breakthroughs, restrictions that once had limited fabric’s use, have given way to new materials and applications undreamed of even a few years ago!
Fabric, with its stunning range of capabilities, is opening new vistas to explore. Today’s acrylics, glass, nylon, polyester, vinyl, PTFE, and HDPE fabrics (to name a few) possess characteristics of; strength, durability, stability, stretch, and beauty that have revolutionized the building industry. Even perennial favorites like cotton can perform better and last longer than ever before.
From the wilderness to city skylines and beyond, the only limit is your imagination – let us help you stretch it!

Today, the ability to solve old problems in new ways and break from the limitations of “traditional” building materials has never been greater. For millennia, people have used fabric to clothe, shelter and even power their machines. Given fabric’s light weight, exceptional strength and ability to conform to unusual shapes the only limitation is imagination itself. Through technological breakthroughs, restrictions that once had limited fabric’s use, have given way to new materials and applications undreamed of even a few years ago!
Fabric, with its stunning range of capabilities, is opening new vistas to explore. Today’s acrylics, glass, nylon, polyester, vinyl, PTFE, and HDPE fabrics (to name a few) possess characteristics of; strength, durability, stability, stretch, and beauty that have revolutionized the building industry. Even perennial favorites like cotton can perform better and last longer than ever before.
From the wilderness to city skylines and beyond, the only limit is your imagination – let us help you stretch it!